How to save on Application Fees while applying to college?
Are you a student struggling with your finances? If yes, then this article is for you. It is a guide that every student must read to manage their college fee.
Education should be a fundamental right. Almost everybody agrees with that. The people who can’t afford school would not read this article. People who have not gone to school would rarely read this article. We will talk only about higher education in this article.
When you complete your secondary education and move towards higher education, the expenses start from the application fee. You can save a lot of money on the application fees. Here is a simple method.
National College Match(US Citizens only) is free. Other fee waivers are available through the Common Application, Coalition App and other similar portals. Most of them will provide you with a fee waiver if you are under their eligibility. So, don’t worry about the application fee while applying to colleges in the US. Colleges like MIT also provide a fee waiver. MIT accepts MyMIT➚ only. The average college fee in the US is $43. If you have applied to 25 colleges, you will pay $1075. You can save $1,000 this way.
Furthermore, you can save money on application fees by applying for CSS Fee Waiver. The CSS charges $15/college. CSS does not provide the fee waiver. You have to contact your college itself to get a CSS fee waiver. Some colleges like Yale➚ provides it for sure. Some will not provide it at all. Most colleges have limited stock. So, apply early. It will allow you to save some amount of money also.
You can save money on Graduate Applications also. You need to contact the respective admission office. A lot of them will provide you with a fee waiver for sure.
If you didn’t get a fee waiver, I suggest e-mailing again. This method works. There is an incidence at the University of Columbia. University first told me that the Coupons are not remaining. I e-mailed them again. Fortunately, I got a coupon. So, you can try multiple times if you can’t afford it.
United Kingdom
The undergraduate process is straightforward. The application fee for UCAS➚ is £22 for a single choice, rising to £26.50 for two or more. It may be a burden for you. In that case, I would suggest postponing the idea of studying abroad. You needn’t drop the idea because it’s just a no for now.
Please be aware that your university may need a direct application for part-time study. So, you can contact in university to get a fee waiver.
You can apply for a fee waiver by directly contacting the admission office. Most universities provide a fee waiver for students facing financial hardship in payment of the application fee. For example, have a look at the criteria set by Oxford University➚ to get a price waiver⇒
- Applying from a low-income country
- Refugees and displaced persons
- UK applicants from low-income backgrounds
- Graduate Access Programme applicants
- Applying for readmission (for current Oxford PGT students)
- Applying to related research courses
If you contact them and ask for a fee waiver, they will provide one for needy students.
You should apply early as soon as possible. It is because the processing of fee waiver requests may take time. Moreover, there may be limited fee waiver vouchers. They are on a first-come, first-get basis.
Germany is becoming a famous destination for international students. There are some reasons for it-
- No Tuition Fee
- Only marginal Semester Fee
- Earn while you are studying
- Great Career Opportunities.
This article is for the application fee waiver. So, the portal for application to German Universities is either one among them {For both Bachelor’s and Masters}⇒
- UniAssist➚
- Directly to University
🪙 I found 5 German Universities with no Application Fee-
1. Heidelberg University
2. Humboldt University Berlin
3. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Munchen
4. RWTH Aachen University
5. Technical University of Munich
The universities in France typically charge an Application fee. There are two pieces of advice from my side.
- You can ask for a Fee Waiver while applying to the universities. Some of them will provide you with a fee Waiver. I didn’t find any direct application form for a fee waiver at any French University. So, get a fee waiver coupon by asking directly to the admission office.
- Some of the universities in France don’t charge any application fee-
- University of Paris 1 — Panthéon Sorbonne.
- University of Montpellier
- HEC Paris (Hautes Études Commerciales): No application cost for candidates applying to a double degree program between HEC Paris and their home university or candidates from internationally preselected universities, schools, and HEC partner institutions.
- University of Strasbourg
- The University of Lille
- ParisTech
- University de Montpellier
- PSL University
I collected the data about France from the Web. So, do your own research before applying to any university.
Some universities in Australia don’t charge an application fee. They Include⇒
- University of South Australia
- Bond University
- Victoria University
- Central Queensland University
- University of Wollongong
- RMIT University
- University of Notre Dame Australia
- Charles Darwin University
You can ask for a fee waiver from the universities if it is a burden.
Some Universities in Europe with $0 Application Fee
You can always ask for a fee waiver. A lot of them will provide you with a fee waiver. You should apply early. They are usually limited and distributed on a first-come basis.
Some universities do not charge an application fee. They include-
- University of Twente, Netherlands
- University of Oslo, Norway
- University of Vienna, Austria
- Ghent University, Belgium
- Politecnico di Milano, Italy
I would recommend adding this story to the list of your choice. I will add this article in future after more research.
Best of Luck Guys! Specially Prospective Students
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