Why most of the Articles claiming to earn $20,000/month don’t work for You?
Everybody is having a great desire to be rich one day. Searching on Google is the easiest way to start with. The headlines are shining on the web claiming an ample amount of money. But here! The problem arises. Let’s find out.
I am a student. Being a student we always suffer financial problems. We can’t ask for our parents every time. So, we have to work part-time. The problem is the lower pay. Even in some countries, there aren’t many part-time jobs. Now, you need money and there aren’t many jobs for you because you don’t have any experience.
Jobs need experience and for experience, we need a job! WTF!
Nobody loves to go out of their comfort zone. The best way is to go to the web and type the keywords like
How to earn money from home?
The easiest way to earn money
Home jobs for students
best freelancer jobs
ways to earn money as a student
& the list goes on and on and on.
You got:-
Now, you came to know about the name of around 100 ways to earn. You may have tried this a lot. You may think it would work for me to be-
- A Freelancer- You created an account on Upwork, Freelancer.com, or others. You didn’t get clients. So bad! Here➚ I provided a no. of solutions to your client. I would suggest checking that out for sure after reading this article.
A freelancer isn’t a simple person. He/she should have the following skills-
- Marketing
- Business Development
- Accounting
- Sales
- Client Handling
- Surveys- I also got involved in a lot of surveys. Since they are highly specific and aren’t regular, you can’t rely on them. But I would like to suggest some of the websites that I use personally- Respondent➚, UserInterview➚, URI➚.
- Youtube/ Podcast/Blogger- The problem is less externally but internally there is a problem. Consistency and Hard Work are needed to succeed in both of them. Some people are ashamed of showing themselves in a video. That should not be the case. For blogging the same thing is needed. But you got frustrated because the natural traffic you got was very less. That’s highly unmotivational. You may then think of increasing traffic via various bot-based websites like Adsterra➚.
Sometimes, you may be trying to get free stuff. There is a no. of videos on Youtube suggesting many ways to get freebies. You got excited and registered on those websites. There are two options-
- You got Something- You will pay your life’s most precious time for freebies. The reason is so simple
The Freebies are linked to Incentives. The problem is free incentives will change your mind about poor people. You wasted time on a smaller gift in the short run but lost a bigger one because you wasted time on those things.
2. You got Nothing- You wasted your time only once in applying for those freebies.
This article is not about freebies rather it is about your change in psychology from time to time because one method didn’t work for you. Remember, to get paid you have to provide a value. That value comes only after consistency, determination and hard work.
Goal shifting is the problem you are suffering from. Neither a single method among those 50 methods suggested on the web is wrong. Rather, it is you who got excited from the short term incentives.
I hope this article will help you to understand yourself. If you enjoyed the article here is a small help you can make by tip:-
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